I don't actually know if many people stumble upon this little blog. I write it for myself for the most part, but it would be nice to know if there were people out in big ole Internet land who enjoy my ramblings.
It's been a slow month for interesting news, and a busy month for personal matters. So, this blog o mine has suffered from lack of new content.
Little things that no one needs --
Little things to joke about --
Little landscapes, done in beads.
Little morals, woven out,
Little wreaths of gilded grass,
Little brigs of whittled oak
Bottled painfully in glass;
These are made by lonely folk.
Lonely folk have lines of days
Long and faltering and thin;
Therefore -- little wax bouquets,
Prayers cut upon a pin,
Little maps of pinkish lands,
Little charts of curly seas,
Little plats of linen strands,
Little verses, such as these.
It's been a slow month for interesting news, and a busy month for personal matters. So, this blog o mine has suffered from lack of new content.
Off the top of my head, discoveries that I should pass along are a couple of bands - My Brightest Diamond, who's lead singer Shara Worden's voice is so beautiful it is almost painful, and Patrick Watson who sings on my favorite Cinematic Orchestra song "To Build a Home".
Meanwhile, as usual when things are slow and my life is busy, I turn to Ms. Parker for words of wisdom. Maybe you'll find some here as well.
Little things that no one needs --
Little things to joke about --
Little landscapes, done in beads.
Little morals, woven out,
Little wreaths of gilded grass,
Little brigs of whittled oak
Bottled painfully in glass;
These are made by lonely folk.
Lonely folk have lines of days
Long and faltering and thin;
Therefore -- little wax bouquets,
Prayers cut upon a pin,
Little maps of pinkish lands,
Little charts of curly seas,
Little plats of linen strands,
Little verses, such as these.