If I ever really worried that the bookish part of bookishredhead was fading with age I was disabused of that this morning when I was introduced to the Oxford English Dictionary's Save the Words website.
DELICOUS!!! And, what a fantastic idea. The premise of the site is to invite people to adopt and use an old word as much as possible so that it will boot out those silly, fakey words like "unfriend" and "staycation" that pop up so often these days.
Much like the old "Save a Child" tv commercials with Sally Struthers you can sponsor a word (BUT ITS FREE) by promising to use it at least once a day in a sentence. BONUS- if you like you can create and buy a tshirt with your adopted word on it for all to see and repeat.
Oh, how this appeals to the tamped-down literatti in me. It makes me want to run through my vepricose, senticous garden tussicating from all the pollen but still bravely singing the prasies of these long forgotten words. Save them. Save them all!
I think it might be difficult to find appropriate uses for words like avunculize and recineration, but I'll work on it.
Now if I could just find a use for this scandiscope.