Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Shift to a New Demographic

I woke up this morning part of a new demographic. Sometime during the wee hours of the morning (3:17 a.m. to be historically accurate) a short thirty-six years ago I was brought into this world. I am no longer part of the (22-34) demographic-I am in fact, part of the nearing 40 demographic.

Nearing 40! How the hell did that happen? I just graduated from high school yesterday. I just moved to Atlanta this morning, I've been married and divorced in the last 20 minutes.

Actually, the realization that the years have been shooting past like bullet trains doesn't really alarm or discourage me. It is actually quite a relief to be past the heartbreaking naivety of my early 20's and the marital ignorance of my early 30's. I have the pleasure and perversity of my late 30's and the time, wisdom and myopic eye of a cynic to look back at those years, examine them for what they were and take forward the lessons that I gained from those days.

That being said, I'm going out tonite and enjoy at least a bottle of some slighty acceptable Pinot at Carroll Street Cafe if we can get through the construction traffic in Cabbage Town and squeeze out a table. Suzanne and Valerie, my lifetime cohorts will be in attendance, so no doubt it will be a good evening.

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