Friday, July 20, 2007

Yes, I am Ashamed, but it's True....

I am actually anxiously awaiting the publication of the new Harry Potter book. I say this in the same way that one would stand in front of a room of coffee guzzling, chain-smoking alcoholics. "My name is Meredith, and I read Harry Potter."

As a reader, a real reader who is a book snob to boot, this admission is a bit embarassing. Look below, see my reading list. I read real books. Literature even. Yes, I do have some guilty pleasures like Elizabeth Peter's, Amelia Peabody series. Though, I try and justify them by adding that there is some actual history included in her books. But, it's a dirty little pleasure.

I expect there are a lot of adults who will cry-off their Saturday night poker games, drinking binges, etc. to stay home and rip through Ms. Rowling's newest offering. All I can say is that I hope its better than the last one. I was not very pleased by it, and from what I hear this one isn't a whole lot better. But, I'm going to read it have to.

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