Monday, October 8, 2007

Very superstitious, writings on the wall....

A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere. --Groucho Marx

Yes, I am actually pretty superstitious. I admit it. I embrace it.

I'm 36 and I lift my feet when I go over railroad tracks.
I cross myself when a hearse drives past me.
I throw spilled salt over my shoulder.
I don't walk under ladders.
I get the willies when a broom falls.
I never put my shoes on the bed.

I started thinking about superstitions the other day when I was out shopping and watched a man take four umbrellas from a Marshall's store, walk outside and open them to see which he liked best. Nobody jumped him. Nobody yelled "STOP THAT WILEY UMBRELLA THIEF!". It was just like he was stopping to tie his shoes. He made his selection, went back inside and made his purchase. In these cynical, wary-eyed days I thought it was fairly amazing to see that our superstitions are still so prevalent. We might not believe in the words of the press-but dangit, we're not breaking a mirror in fear of 7 years bad luck.

These things seem so amazingly silly. I mean, do you know anybody who has ever broken his mothers back by stepping on a crack? Have you seen someones car break down after they said "this thing never breaks down"? But still we do it. It's like blinking-it just is.

I honestly think that we're a bit superstitious whether we're willing to admit it or not. I've never gotten the "evil eye" but I think I'd know it if I saw it. And, I'd probably follow suit by going "phoo, phoo" while spitting between my pointer and middle finger of my right hand. Hey, just being cautious. Why the heck not.

I think the thing about superstition is that it's not provable. Why did Uncle Jethro loose his job? Not because he was a total slacker, or the stock market plunged. It must certainly be because his daughter touched his shoe with a broom while sweeping the kitchen.

Why did I get a raise last week? Because I had an itchy palm.

See-good or bad. There's a superstition for everything.
So, I admit it. I'm superstitious. Why not? If there's fate, then maybe there's superstition. Meanwhile, I'll continue to terrify my passengers by lifting my feet while going over railroad tracks. Chill. I haven't killed anybody...yet.

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